Monday, November 12, 2007

Social bookmarking


I must say that in this course I am discovering lots of new sites and programmes that can be found on the internet. Because I've only recently started to create my blog, I am still trying to understand how things work here. So, I am a little frustrated because I have to recuperate lots of work.

However, I've found my first experience of social bookmarking very interesting and useful. First thing that I find great about social bookmarking is the fact that it enables you to look for sites of your interest in a faster way. It gives you also the opportunity to find very helpful websites just by exploring other persons bookmarks. I find this kind of information sharing very practical and convenient. In fact, when I was 'investigating' other peers bookmarks I came upon some very curious ones.

1 comment:

Imma said...

Hi girls...
This is my first comment for all of you...It was difficult for me to leave comments on your blogs 'cause my laptop has been broken and I also had a very slow internet connection...Finally it seems everything is ok and I can start communicating with you!
I'm reading what you wrote on your blogs about previous e-tivitys and I'll soon leave some comments...
Bye..and see you..